Clinical Dietitian-Nutritionist
University of Glasgow
Spiros has a BSc in Dietetics-Nutrition from the Harokopio University of Athens and a M.Med.Sci. in Diabetes (with Distinction) from the Medical School of Glasgow University.
Spiros is a Clinical Dietitian-Nutritionist, specialized in Diabetes (M.Med.Sci). The title of his postgraduate thesis was «Are novel lifestyle approaches to management of Type 2 Diabetes applicable to prevention and treatment of women with gestational diabetes mellitus?» and was published in Global Diabetes Open Access Journal. He owns a private dietetic office in Thessaloniki, where he provides nutritional services and deals with a number of cases. In addition, he has worked at the Diabetes Center of one of the biggest General Hospitals in Thessaloniki, undertaking the nutritional education of people with Diabetes.
As part of his internship, he has worked at the General State Hospital of Nikaia dealing with a variety of clinical cases and at an Open Care Centre for Older people in Athens, improving the nutritional status of the elderly.
He is a scientific associate at International Hellenic University, participating in European Research Programs for the treatment of childhood obesity. He is working as teaching assistant teaching nutrition and medical courses at Sports Science and Fitness field at an Institute of Vocational Training.
In addition, he participates in actions and campaigns nationwide with the aim of preventing and treating Diabetes at the biggest non-profit organization promoting Diabetes awareness.